Evaluating Funding for Public Transit to Advance Michigan’s Climate Goals
MAY 2022
Michigan is committed to addressing climate change throughout the state. The MI Healthy Climate Plan lays out a broad vision for fulfilling Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. However, this plan and others – such as the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) long-range plan Michigan Mobility 2045 – fail to recognize that strong public transit systems are essential for addressing climate change. Transportation Riders United (TRU), a nonprofit organization that advocates for public transit in the Detroit region, understands that Michigan must reduce its heavy reliance on driving because single-occupancy vehicles are a leading source of greenhouse gas emissions. TRU can help shape how Michigan addresses climate change by encouraging state and local agencies to improve public transit so that Michiganders have a viable option to shift away from single-occupancy vehicles. This report provides actionable guidance to help TRU promote state-level actions to increase state funding to expand public transit as a means of advancing climate change commitments.
Report Authors: Shanea Condon, Andrew Darvin, Paul Jones III, Catherine Kemp, Camilla Lizundia, Christopher Moon-Miklaucic, Simon Rivers, Sydney Weisman, Arin Yu
Report Advisors: Joe Grengs, Eric Bettis
Addressing Trauma in the Planning Context
Article published in the University of Michigan Agora Journal of Urban and Regional Planning and Design. Volume 16.
May 2022
Community healing requires that those in power acknowledge and address past, present, and future trauma. While planning curriculum and professional practices often fall short in trauma-informed competencies, frameworks such as therapeutic and reparative planning can be possible steps forward.
Camilla Lizundia
Gala Case Study: How is Private Land Development Regulated in High-Hazard Settings?
Gala Open Collaborative Learning Tool Case Study
November 2019
This graduate-level case study contemplates the challenges that local governments face when attempting to manage private land development in settings that are simultaneously ecologically vital, hazardous, and desirable for residential development.
Camilla Lizundia. Olivia Perfetti, Michael Friese, Jacob Hite, and Richard Norton
A Regional Spatial Planning Model for Green Infrastructure
This article proposes a spatial multicriteria analysis for green infrastructure.
March 2022
This article was published in the journal of Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 49.3 (2022): 815-833.
Keywords: Green infrastructure, multi-criteria analysis, regional planning, urban greening, land conservation
Robert Goodspeed , Ruoshui Liu, Dimitrios Gounaridis , Camilla Lizundia and Joshua Newell